Waiting For Spring

This is what it looked like outside my window last Friday. I am hoping that we don't get a repeat this weekend. I am so ready for spring. I have big plans this summer and I need some warmer weather to get it started. I want to plant a garden, I want to hang may hammock in my tree, I want to set up the tiki torches and patio furniture and sit with a mojito in the sun, watching the dogs chase each other around the yard. Now only if the weather will cooperate!

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Ring a Week #10

Just got back in town from visiting my family, and here is my Ring a week for last week! I tried something new with this ring and raised the stone so the bezel appears taller. I really love how this ring looks on. It will be in my Etsy shop soon! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

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Supplies and Tools Equals Lovely Handmade Ring

I sometimes come across people that ask where I buy certain pieces that I use for my jewelry. However, most often it is a piece that I have made from the ground up. With this piece for example all the different compontents that I used for the piece are included in the first photo. After many various steps of designing, sawing, shaping, soldering, filing, polishing, and polising some more you get the finished piece. It is always so much fun when you get done polishing and can step back and look at what you have made. There is something about […]more

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Eternity Knot Handmade Leather Cuff

I have had this idea in my head for a while, but for some reason I kept putting off making it. I seem to have been doing this quite a bit lately. Anyway, this cuff was made for my boyfriend. I got to use a few techniques in this piece that I had either never done before, or have maybe done once before. It was quite the adventure. As each new component was finished it was like the feeling you get when you reach the top of a hill and get excited then realize you have to climb an even […]more

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Tunes to boost the creative flow

This month the Aspiring metalsmith team group blog topic is to share what you listen to while you are at the bench. I have such a broad taste in music and sometimes I can't decide what genre will best compliment my current mood. Sometimes I like to blow off some steam while wielding my hammer with some fast paced high energy music, but lately I have found myself drawn to a more mellow tune. I have to thank my brother for introducing me to this absolutely tallented artist – Xavier Rudd. I am thoroughly addicted.     Check out what […]more

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Two New Rings!

  I used to hate making rings. Really hate it, but I have began to warm up to them, and now I am going to have to start trying to NOT make rings. Rings are challenging and I always am learning new things when I try to design and construct a ring. The first one is an abstract daisy design with a bright blue Amazonite. In the second ring the stone looks like a frothy mix of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, and reminds me of a neapolitan ice cream.  This week I am going to try and get a few […]more

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My Love of Gemstones and a Glimpse of my Addiction

Some girls buy lots and lots of shoes, and some girls buy lots and lots of rocks. I am the type of girl that buys rocks. I remember as a little girl wandering in the red deserts of Southern Utah with my Dad looking for fossils and interesting rocks. By the end of the trip my pockets would be heavy with the fruits of my labor. I still have a pouch of miscellaneous rocks that my Grandmother gave me from the Grand Canyon. You know, the small velour bag of rocks that you can buy at dingy rest stops in […]more

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Ring a Week #6 – Ember Ring

 I just finished photographing this little carnelian agate ring for Ring a Week. The stone is primarily an orange color with a flair of red on the othe side that reminds me of a flairing ember in the last moments of a warm fire. This one is a size 8 and will be going in my shop. Thanks for looking!

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