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The Importance of Editing Item Photos for Etsy

It has been said over and over. You need good item photos to sell on Etsy. I can tell that I have gotten better at photographing my items over time, and while I still have a long way to go, I am getting better every time I take new photos.

Lighting is always a struggle when you are photographing your items, and while it is important to start out with good lighting you can also get a little help from your photo editing software. I use Gimp and Photoshop to edit my photos depending on where I am. For those of you who don't know Gimp is Google's version of Photoshop and can be downloaded for free! Did I mention it was free? I still like Photoshop better but Gimp is definitely a great choice for those of us economically challenged.

For those not familiar with photo editing software it is a little overwhelming at first. For my photos I generally focus on the curves and levels. Check out my shop, it has lots of photographs of my handmade silver jewelry.

Below is a side by side of the same photograph, the one on the right is the original photograph, the one on the left is after I adjusted the curves and levels of the photo. Which would you be more inclined to purchase?